


  方心远,研究员,博士生导师,光子芯片研究院助理院长(科研),上海市类脑光子芯片前沿科学研究基地副主任。本科至博士阶段均在南京大学完成,博士期间受国家留学基金委资助赴墨尔本皇家理工大学顾敏院士团队联合培养。目前已发表论文40余篇,包含ScienceNatureNature PhotonicsNature Nanotechnology等顶尖期刊。入选上海市曙光学者,上海市东方英才(青年项目),中国科协青年托举人才计划,上海市青年科技启明星,上海市晨光学者计划。获上海科技青年35人引领计划奖、中国光学学会科技创新奖郭光灿光学奖一等奖、中国仪器仪表学会金国藩青年学子奖Journal of Optics青年领军人奖(Emerging Leader 2023)、上海理工大学青年五四奖章。培养研究生获全额奖学金赴美攻读博士学位。


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1) Three-dimensional direct lithography of stable perovskite nanocrystals in glass, Science 307, 375 (2022). (共同一作)

2) Orbital angular momentum holography for high-security encryption, Nature Photonics 14, 1022020.(第一作者)

3) Complex-amplitude metasurface-based orbital angular momentum holography in momentum space , Nature Nanotechnology 15, 9482020.(共同一作)

4) Nanophotonic manipulation of optical angular momentum for high-dimensional information optics, Advances in Optics and Photonics 13,772 (2021). (第一作者)

5)Orbital angular momentum-mediated machine learning for high-accuracy mode-feature encoding, Light: Science and Applications, 13, 49 (2024). (第一作者&通讯作者)

6) High-dimensional orbital angular momentum multiplexing nonlinear holography, Advanced Photonics 3, 0150012021. (第一作者)

7) Harnessing disordered photonics via multi-task learning towards intelligent four-dimensional light field sensors, PhotoniX 4, 26 (2023). (通讯作者)

8) Multi-dimensional multiplexing optical secret sharing framework with cascaded liquid crystal holograms, Opto-Electronic Advances 7, 230121 (2024). (通讯作者)

9)Nanoprinted diffractive layer integrated vertical-cavity surface-emitting vortex lasers with scalable topological charge, Nano Letters 23,9096 (2023). (通讯作者)

10)Laser‐Induced Graphene Hologram Reconfiguration for Countersurveillance Multisecret Sharing, Laser & Photonics Reviews 17, 2200805 (2023). (通讯作者)

11) Orbital Angular Momentum Neural Communications for 1-to-40 Multicasting with 16-Ary Shift Keying, ACS Photonics 10, 2799 (2023). (通讯作者)

12) Graphene Lithography Based on Laser Reduction and Plasma Oxidization for Rewritable Hologram Imaging, Advanced Optical Materials 11, 2300872 (2023). (通讯作者)

13) 100 Hertz frame-rate switching three-dimensional orbital angular momentum multiplexing holography via cross convolution, Opto-Electronic Science 1, 220004 (2022). (通讯作者)


